Showing posts with label laptop. Show all posts
Showing posts with label laptop. Show all posts

Monday, February 22, 2010

nani ke nuske

Be it adrak ki chai for cold or turmeric for cuts and bruises, every indian household has a trove of nani ke nuske (granny's advice) to overcome day to day problems.Most of these advices have scientific reasoning and are quite logical if given a thorough thought.Whereas the few unproven by science are also known to work wonders.

MIND YOU !! none of them come with a scientific gaurantee.but they work.take a look.

Rescue your cell from water.

No matter how hard you try,atleast once in its lifetime your cellphone will surely find its way into the bucket or the sink.but that doesnt mean you should bid your cell good bye!!
but all you need to do instinctively is to remove the battery ASAP.yes ASAP!!
that will prevent electrical short circuits from roasting your phone innards.
Open your cellphone carefully...separate the components and gently separate your motherboard from it..its the heart and soul of your cellphone.
Next wipe the dripping piece of machinery with a blotting or a tissue paper...
keep it under a electric bulb to get rid of the moisture
alternatively bury it in a jar full of uncooked rice....

ask me WHY??
remember the coconut-in-dry-rice routine to keep the moisture away?
Its the same logic that works here too.

Scientifically it has been proved that rice has high affinity for water droplets.

So instead if sticking to the cold metal of your cellphone,they will get soaked by rice,thus leaving your cell dry as a bone (well,almost).

How to extend laptop battery.

another most gripe with laptop users is that its juice runs out when you need a good home remedy is to remove the batteru from your laptop when you are using the AC power exclusively.this reducing the constant charging / recharging of your maintaining the battery at full charge for extended periods can shorten its service life. Should you opt not to remove the batteries but run the laptrop so that it is nearly always plugged in, its agood ideaa to remove the charger cord frequently- atleast once a week- and run the computer off battery charge for an hour or two.

A similar nuska , by the way works for your ipod / mp3 player too.
If your iPods battery stubbornly refuses to charge or doesnt charge completely, try exhausting the battery.
Next , simply pull out the battery from the iPod and leave it outside for 24 hours .
Plug it back and notice the difference.


if the ink dries out just when you are in the middle of printing an important document ,simply remove the cartridge and run a hair dryer for 3 – 4 mins and place it back into the printer and print again when it is still warm.

Tech experts say that ,the hair dryer melts the thick ink ,thus releasing extra ink for a page or two.


If you have been hit by blue screen of death – the hard disk drive just crashed on you – relax!!DONT panic.

You might be able to salvage your precious data.
The nuska is simply freeze the hard drive for an entire night.

Make sure you have packed your HDD with at least 2-3 ziplock bags which you can get at any local store.
(this is to minimize the moisture from entering your hard drive)

by this method i did manage to revive 2 harddisks procured from local bhangarwala!!

This might sound silly and weird but here's the logic.

Many harddrive failures are caused by worn parts that no longer firt in with each other, making it impossible to read from the drive .
Lowering the temperature causes its innards,the solid components to contract slightly.thawing it will cause those parts to expand again,thus possibly binding them .
This might not bring your disk back to life essentially,but give you enough window to transfer data to a safe place.

We all know that ' the solids expand on heating and contract on cooling'